Time Tumbler Drawings, 2020
TIME TUMBLER. Diagrams and drawings
The Time Tumbler drawing titled, Travelling With the Good Connector shows the basic principle of my search engine model. Discreet fragments of information I collected from one time period and represented in a 'Time Box' which is then moved into other time environments and connections are made between the elements in the Time Box with other like elements in the present day. The resulting configurations are then Time Tumbled into new randomised relationships. The drawing, Lateral Lift shows how new elements attached to older ones feed forward getting more elaborate. The last drawing in the set, Remixing The Fragments shows the combining of previously discreet bits of information, objects etc into new enlarged entities.

Time Tumbler - Travelling with the Good Connector, 2019

Time Tumbler - Re-mixing the Fragments, 2020

Lateral Lift - Time Box Elevator 2020