Installation images from Willats' exhibition, Conscious Unconscious In and Out the Reality Check, Modern Art Oxford, 27th April - 16 June 2013.
All images by Stuart Whipps
Oxford Community Datastream 2013, commissioned by Modern Art Oxford. 400 colour prints, 18 channels of video
Oxford Community Datastream 2013
Oxford Community Datastream
Oxford Community Datastream
Conceptual Tower Drawing Nos 44 and 45
How Other People See Us and How We See Ourselves, 2012. Four panels. Photographic prints, photographic dye, acrylic paint, ink, Letraset on board
A Journey to Be Continued Tomorrow, 2008. Four panels. Photographic prints, photographic dye, acrylic paint, ink, Letraset text on card
Conscious-Unconscious-Continuous-Discontinuous, 2013, three panels. Photographic prints, photographic dye, acrylic paint, ink, Letraset text on card
In Two Minds, 2010. 3 Panels. Photographic prints, photographic dye, acrylic paint, ink, Letraset text on card
Presentation of 9 Still Life DVD films
Signs and Messages, 2013. Two channel DVD film
People Passing in Groups, Queen Street, Oxford, DVD film 2013. Presented in in Oxford shops
People Passing in Groups, Queen Street, Oxford 2013, DVD film, presented in Blackwells shop window